Saturday, February 6, 2010

Cotton prices — take advantage

Cotton prices — take advantage
Feb 5, 2010 8:10 AM, By Elton Robinson, Farm Press Editorial Staff
An expected rise in cotton acres and production in the United States  and around the world could weigh on cotton prices this year, meaning  producers need to take advantage of pricing opportunities when they  can, say analysts speaking at the Ag Market Network’s January  teleconference.
Texas A&M Extension economist John Robinson says he expects that U.S.cotton growers could plant as much as 10 million acres in 2010, which  would produce a crop of about 15 million bales. “If we export 12  million bales, we wind up with very little change in ending stocks.  That suggests a historical pattern of our normal sideways spring  volatility and perhaps the peak for December 2010 will come during  that period. I would expect to see the December 2010 contract trading  from a high of 80 cents or higher if the funds rev it up.
“Following that first and second quarter spring volatility, I would  expect a gentle trend lower in the second half of the year. That’s the  usual pattern in years in which we have a stable carryover. I can see  it trending down in the third and fourth quarters into the low 70s.“I could paint a worst-case scenario if there is a large increase in  acreage worldwide. If we all enjoy really good weather like we did in  2007 and have a really good supply, and demand remains fuzzy due to a  lingering recession, we might see cotton prices move from the upper  70s into the mid-60s. Neither scenario really seems all that bad  compared to price patterns of the past.”
Texas A&M University professor emeritus Carl Anderson says projected  acreage increases in foreign countries are “worrisome for world  supply. We’re looking at a world supply of cotton that is about  adequate. We have a 45 percent stocks-to-use ratio, a 50-million bale  carryover worldwide.“If we do get U.S. acreage up to 10 million acres, that leaves the  door open for a 14-million to 15-million bale crop. With offtake about  the same as production, our carryover stocks would be very near where  they are now. Should weather enter the picture, we could see some  rallies along the way. The thing to watch is whether the market has  the momentum in February and March to break the 80-cent resistance barrier. If it does, it could really open the door for some pricing  opportunities.”
Mississippi State University economist O.A. Cleveland expects an  increase in Mid-South cotton acreage this spring, due to a corn/cotton  price ratio that is favorable to cotton “and because of the disastrous  soybean situation we had as well. We’ll see a very good increase in  Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. As we move into the  south Delta, we won’t see as much of an increase there. The corn  tended to be better there. Louisiana won’t see a large change.”Cleveland doesn’t believe Southeast cotton acreage “will be up as much  as the 20 percent some have projected, but I think we’ll see a 10  percent to 15 percent increase. If we get open weather in February, I  would tend to think it will boost our intentions a little more, which  would start to weigh on the market. “My thinking is that we have probably seen the cotton price high for the year. Nonetheless, we could see a bump, depending on the U.S. and  world weather situation.”
Cleveland doesn’t see much happening on the demand side for cotton,  although world economies “are doing much better. But we will see a  spring rally, and we could see something as high as 78 cents or 79  cents. I do not look for that to stay around. I certainly would not wait on that price before I plant cotton.”
Cleveland urged producers to not look at price goals. “We have to  understand our cost of production and what our profit potential is.”Cleveland is optimistic about cotton’s prospects. “We all feel better  about cotton. We all feel that cotton will come back. We won’t be as  strong as we were, but we don’t need to be.”e-mail:


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